Beykoz University ECTS Information Package/Course Catalogue
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a student/learner-centred credit system which allows educational and training programmes to be described in a systematic way as such that allocation of credits based on time spent by a student for all teaching/learning and assessment/evaluation activities of a programme, such as courses, internship, homework, projects, assessments, etc., in order to achieve that educational objectives defined for the programme are attained by students.
ECTS was introduced by the European Council in 1989, within the framework of Erasmus (currently is part of the Life Long Learning Programme named as Erasmus+ Programme) and, since its introduction and particularly after the beginning of Bologna Process, it has found a wide acceptance as the national credit system in the higher education systems across the European Countries and an indispensable tool supporting major aims of the Bologna Process and, thus, of European Higher Education Area. ECTS, at the beginning, was developed for the purpose of understanding, comparing, recognizing and facilitating the transfer of credits of students in the European Higher Education Area, contributing significantly to the increase of international student mobility and, in time, it has been developed and started to be used as not only for the purpose of credit transfer but also for the system of credit accumulation, and as well as a tool for the systematic design , quality improvement and quality assurance of the educational programmes. (For further information you can visit https://ec.europa.eu/education/resources-and-tools/european-credit-transfer-and-accumulation-system-ects_en and/or "ADDITIONAL AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION" menu of this information package.)
Beykoz University has adopted the use of ECTS system as a reference and a quality assurance tool for designing, implementing, reviewing, sharing with stakeholders, improving and ensuring the national and international transparency of the educational programmes it is offering, based on the educational objectives and learning outcomes, in relation and compliance with the level requirements of the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF) and the Turkish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF-HE).
For this purpose, this ECTS Information Package/Course Catalogue has been designed in a scope and content reflecting all elements proposed in the current ECTS Users’ Guide published by the European Commission in 2015 as well as the vision and unique differences of the university, and taken into service as an integrated part of the university’s information system in order to enable active and effective participation of all executive and academic staff of the university in the design, implementation and further continuous enhancement of the study programmes, providing home, foreign, exchange and candidate students, higher education institutions, employers and other stakeholders with information in detail and easy to trace on the institution, degree programmes at all levels of education (short-, first- and second cycle degrees).
Your views, evaluations and suggestions will make a valuable contribution to the work we have been carrying out in our university, which has adopted as a primary principle of continuous enhancement, sharing and development in this direction. Please contact us for your contributions and/or further information.