Qualification Awarded
Length of Programme (Year)
Total Number of ECTS Credits
Type of Education
Level of Qualification & Field of Study



TQF Qualification Type: Vocational
TQF, TQF-HE, EQF-LLL, ISCED (2011): Level 5
QF-EHEA: Short Cycle
Yönelim: Vocational
Sınıflandırma (ISCED 2013): Temel Öğrenme Alanı:72
Kategori: Ana Yeterlilik


The program, "International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-1997) (ISCED-2013)" with Turkey Qualifications Framework (TYC) and "Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYÇ)" According to ISCED Program Competencies Level of the classification (2011) the showing education field and level codes are given below

-ISCED (1997) Education Area Code: 72
-ISCED (2013) Education Area Code: 72

Dialysis associate program of the European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework (QF-EHEA) in the short level, the European Lifelong Learning Qualifications Framework (EQF-LLL) and Turkey Qualifications Framework (TYC) and Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TYYÇ) from 5 defined in Level is a vocational education and practice-oriented associate degree program.
It is designed to meet the needs of businesses in the relevant field and level and to gain basic knowledge and practical application competencies for graduates' employment in the relevant sector or sectors.
The Dialysis Program, which accepts students with TYT score type, started its activities in Turkish in the 2017-2018 academic year. The program is chaired by Lecturer Kübra KELLECİ.
Students who graduate with the dialysis program can work under the name of "Dialysis Technician" in the dialysis and nephrology services of public and private hospitals with the title of Health Technician. In addition, it can find employment opportunities in organizations that manufacture, design, maintain and sell dialysis devices.