Qualification Awarded
Length of Programme (Year)
Total Number of ECTS Credits
Type of Education
Level of Qualification & Field of Study



TQF Qualification Type: Academic
TQF, TQF-HE, EQF-LLL, ISCED (2011): Level 6
QF-EHEA: First Cycle
Yönelim: Academic
Sınıflandırma (ISCED 2013):073 Temel Öğrenme Alanı:58
Kategori: Ana Yeterlilik


The Undergradute Program in Architecture at Beykoz University is an academic bachelor’s program designed in accordance with the Eurepean Higher Education Area Quality Framework (QF-EHEA) Level 1, the European Life Long Learning Quality Framework (EQF-LLL), the Thurkish Qualifications Framework (TYÇ), and the Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework Level 6. The Program is designed in acoordance with the vision and the mission of Beykoz University, the School of Engineering and Architecture and the Department of Architecture and the Education Model of Beykoz University to meet the requirements of the Turkish Higher Education Area Qualifications and the related national (MÜDEK) and international (ABET) accreditation bodies.
The field and the level codes of the program are given below classified in accordance with the International Standard Classification in Education (ISCED 1997, ISCED 2011, ISCED 2013) and with the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TYÇ) and Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework.
• ISCED 1997 and ISCED 2011 Education Field Code: 58 – Architecture and Building
• ISCED 2013 Education Field Code: 73 – Architecture and Construction
• TYÇ and TYYÇ Level: 6
• TYYÇ Main Area Code: 58 – Architecture
• TYYÇ Qualification Type (Profile): Bachelor’s Program with Academic Emphasis