Kazanılan Yeterlilik
Program Süresi (Yıl)
Toplam AKTS Kredisi
Öğretim Şekli
Yeterliliğin Düzeyi ve Öğrenme Alanı



TYÇ Yeterlilik Türü: Lisans
TYÇ, TYYÇ, EQF-LLL, ISCED (2011): 6. Düzey
QF-EHEA: 1. Düzey
Yönelim: Akademik
Sınıflandırma (ISCED 2013): Temel Öğrenme Alanı:31
Kategori: Ana Yeterlilik


The science of psychology is important for a better understanding of the individual, society and individual-society interactions affected by rapid national and international changes as a result of factors such as technological developments, globalization and migration. The need for mental health professionals is also increasing due to reasons such as the increase in stress level as a result of changing economic and social conditions, the decrease in prejudices about receiving psychological support and the easier access to psychological support. In recent years, it is seen that there has been a significant increase in the number of young people who want to learn and practice psychology in parallel with the increase in the need for psychological support of individuals and the creation of employment opportunities in different fields.

In general, psychologists carry out psychological support studies in different institutions and organizations such as hospitals, private clinics, educational institutions and rehabilitation centers. In addition to psychological support activities, they also carry out many preventive programs with the aim of increasing psychological resilience and determining psychological and social risks before psychological problems arise. Psychology graduates do not only work in the clinical field. Especially in recent years, the work areas of psychology graduates have expanded. Graduates have also started to take part in studies carried out in different sectors. Psychology graduates, who gain expertise in different fields from industrial psychology to sports psychology, from neuropsychology to social psychology, can find employment opportunities in private companies and non-governmental organizations.

Beykoz University Department of Psychology (English), which started its educational activities with the undergraduate program in the 2021-2202 Fall Semester, aims to provide psychology students with both theoretical background and professional experience in different psychology fields. The psychology undergraduate program allows its students to specialize in different fields of psychology with its compulsory and elective courses, scientific research and internship opportunities. Considering the wide working fields of psychologists, Beykoz University Psychology (English) Undergraduate Program will make a significant contribution to the training of expert and competent psychologists in different subfields of psychology.