Qualification Awarded
Length of Programme (Year)
Total Number of ECTS Credits
Type of Education
Level of Qualification & Field of Study



TQF Qualification Type: Academic
TQF, TQF-HE, EQF-LLL, ISCED (2011): Level 6
QF-EHEA: First Cycle
Yönelim: Academic
Sınıflandırma (ISCED 2013): Temel Öğrenme Alanı:21,22
Kategori: Ana Yeterlilik


The communication sector is in constant growth and change with the effect of new channels emerging in parallel with digital transformations. The developments and changes in the computer and communication sector, where academic studies are also focused, have caused significant and unprecedented changes in individual and social life. Today, traditional mass communication channels such as television, radio and newspapers are shifting to digital platforms with technological developments and digital and analog structures work together in an integrated manner. 1250 / 5000
Çeviri sonuçları
The Department of Communication and Design will provide the support needed by institutions and publishing organizations that want to maintain their existence by adapting to the developments in the digital world where sociological, economic and technological transformations are intertwined, providing the skills of establishing correct communication and managing the communication process on digital and traditional platforms with their target audiences. is structured on an educational content that will contribute to its development. The educational approach of the department, is based on raising individuals with an understanding to contribute to their country, contributing to the field they work in, having the awareness and ability to follow and manage these changes and transformations, adopt an innovative approach, have a voice in digital platforms, have awareness of self-development in intellectual issues, are conscious of business ethics and ethical issues. The Department of Communication and Design trains candidates who will conduct, develop and manage successful visual and content studies in traditional and digital communication platforms. It empowers candidates who have an innovative approach that will guide communication strategies within enterprises in theory and practice.

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